On a mission for the subversive organization The Plan in the unlikeliest of places, Harlan meets a new contact, Madeline. She has new info which the all-powerful DESK will stop at nothing to keep from getting out.
Voice Cast
Leandra Pinto (Madeline)
Jason C. McLean (Harlan, Narrator)
Dawn McSweeney (Madame Connie, Dora, Frank, Mrs. Rosenbaum, Nina)
Recorded by Patrick Gardiner
Edited by Jerry Gabriel
Featuring Original Music by Roni Mizrahi and Patrick Gardiner
Images by Stephanie Laughlin
Written by Jason C. McLean
Story by Jason C. McLean, Dawn McSweeney and Leandra Pinto
Produced by Silo Voice Studios in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Executive Producer Leandra Pinto
Music is copyright to the respective creators.
Story and production Copyright 2022 Silo Voice Studios
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Person of Interest
- Early Access to Upcoming Silo Voice projects including Season 2 of The Outside World
- Access to in-universe Outside World bonus content, character backstories, etc. (both written and audio) between seasons
- A Recorded Birthday Message from the Character of Your Choice (if the actor is available)
- Knowledge that you’re helping independent production succeed
- Get mentioned on Agent Roscoe’s Subversive Roundup by Tier